Nomination 2019

ASEI National Board Nomination/election For The 2019

Dear ASEI Members;

The National Board of ASEI needs to conduct its 2019 election to fill the Board of Directors. Hence, the purpose of this communication is to request nominations from the membership or the ASEI National Board of Directors.
You can self-nominate or nominate someone else for the Board position. If nominating someone else, please get concurrence from your nominee before submitting the nomination.
To be eligible to become a board member, the person must be an ASEI paid member in good standing for one year, actively participated in ASEI activities, or must have exhibited leadership qualities from experiences that would add significant value to the board. The nominee must be ready and willing to participate in all (or almost all) board meetings and contribute by participating in ASEI activities including membership of various action committees of ASEI.

Please click the following link to submit your nomination: