womens days

ASEI International Women’s Day in Partnership with AIWA

Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that’s diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women’s equality. Collectively we can all #embraceequity.

Event At : Schoolcraft College – VisTaTech Center

Address : 18600 Haggerty Rd, Livonia Michigan 48152

Event Date : Mar.11.2023

Event Time : 9:30 AM


Elections 2023: Asei Chapter Leadership Opportunities Open

Dear ASEI Members,

To drive our mission forward, ASEI needs dedicated volunteers and Board members who take pride in our past and are forward thinking and belive in taking action and make a difference. All chapters of ASEI need to conduct their annual election to fill the 2023-2024 Board of Directors open positions.

In accordance with ASEI constitution, we have appointed the following Board members to the Election Committee: 

Silicon Valley Chapter Board of Election Committee Chairs: Raju Shreewastava & Kanakshila Tandon

Washington DC  Chapter Board of Election Committee Chairs: Venkat Gururathnam & Lekha

SoCal Chapter Board of Election Committee Chairs:  Sanjay Dalal & Vrunda

Seattle Chapter Board of Election Committee Chair: Srini Vemula

Dallas  Chapter  Board of Election Committee Chairs : Puneet Dixit   &  Jayati 

Hence, the purpose of this communication is to request nominations from the membership for the ASEI Chapter Board of Directors. There are several open positions in each chapter that will be filled through this nomination process.

You can self-nominate or nominate someone else for the ASEI Chapter Board position. If nominating someone else, please get concurrence from your nominee before submitting the nomination.

To be eligible to become a board member, the nominee must be an ASEI paid member (Annual Professional or Life) in good standing, must have participated in ASEI volunteer activities at local or national level, and must have exhibited leadership qualities from experiences that would add significant value to the board and ASEI. The nominee must be ready and willing to participate in all (or almost all) board meetings and contribute by participating in ASEI activities including membership of various committees of ASEI. The nominees should become familiar with ASEI membership types and Constitution and Bylaws available at www.aseiusa.org   

Please click here to submit your nomination. The deadline to submit nominations is Jan 15, 2023.

Mock Interview Session 2022

Mock Interview Sessions

  • Event At : Virtual
  • Address : Maryland
  • Event Date : Nov.12.2022
  • Event Time : 12 Noon – 2 pm
Summer vacations are a semester away but interviews are around the corner. Learn about the required skills and knowledge to crack these interviews by attending this 1:1 mock interview session with leading professionals from the industry. Each interview will be 15 mins long followed by a brief feedback session.
Mock Interview 2022
Seeking Nominations For The 2023 National Board

Leadership Positions Open- Seeking Nominations For The 2023 National Board

Dear ASEI Members,

The National Board of ASEI is conducting its election to fill the 2023 Board of Directors open positions. By section VI.2 of the constitution, we have appointed the following Board members to the Election Committee:

Election Committee Chairperson: Rakesh Patel

Election Committee Members:  Surbhi Kaul  & Shreekant Agrawal

Hence, the purpose of this communication is to request nominations from the membership for the ASEI National Board of Directors. Five open positions will be filled through this nomination process.

You can self-nominate or nominate someone else for the ASEI National Board position. If nominating someone else, please get concurrence from your nominee before submitting the nomination.

To be eligible to become a board member, the nominee must be an ASEI-paid member in good standing for one year, must have participated in ASEI activities at the local or national level, and must have exhibited leadership qualities from experiences that would add significant value to the board and ASEI. The nominee must be ready and willing to participate in all (or almost all) board meetings and contribute by participating in ASEI activities, including membership in various committees of ASEI. The nominees should become familiar with ASEI Constitution and Bylaws available at www.ASEIUSA.Org

Please Click here to submit your nomination. The deadline to submit nominations is December 11th, 2022.


Executive Committee of the ASEI National Board of Directors:

Piyush Malik – President

Ram Ramanujam – Vice President

Jwalant Lakhia – Treasurer

Vatsala Upadhyaya – Secretary & IT Director

Let Us Know If You Are Not Getting It In Your Email Inbox

Highlights From November #ASEI Newsletter: Let Us Know If You Are Not Getting It In Your Email Inbox

The latest edition of the newsletter has been sent to all members on the  first of November  and the online edition is available here.

Happy reading and catching up on all that happened in the last month and what lies ahead with your society.

Highlights from November:

  • ASEI Awards Nominations Open – Last Date November 10th Check out further on our website and nominate someone today
  • ASEI Making grassroots level efforts for STEM in Indian schools though partnerships
  • ASEI Elections: Board Positions are open for nominations for forming the 2023 board. Nominations Due by Nov 27
  • Engineering Entrepreneurship & Mentoring in full flow at FalconX Accelerator
  • University Connect makes progress with new campus Ambassadors- Praveen Vayalamkuzhi, Ph.D. and Ashdeep Seth
  • Replay of Engineering tales #8 with Rajeev Kapur
  • New Mobility Summit coming up in Michigan on Nov 19th
  • Youth Corner with Aditya and Ashdeep Seth on Nov 26th
  • Do provide feedback as to what activities and programs you would like to see more of.
  • Also, do tag your friends and ask them to follow this American Society of Engineers of Indian Origin (ASEI) page so as not to miss any of our upcoming exciting activities and updates.
  • A big THANK You to  all our achievers, expert speakers, content contributors, community builders and collaborators highlighted  in this edition

Please Click here to submit your nomination. The deadline to submit nominations is December 11th, 2022.


Executive Committee of the ASEI National Board of Directors:

Piyush Malik – President

Ram Ramanujam – Vice President

Jwalant Lakhia – Treasurer

Vatsala Upadhyaya – Secretary & IT Director

Election 2023- Leadership Opportunities

Election 2023- Leadership Opportunities

Dear ASEI Members,

ASEI continues to build and grow on its foundational principles of nurturing, mentoring connecting, and developing networks of technology and STEM professionals. The ASEI National and Chapter Boards are now taking nominations for 3-year board membership, starting in the calendar year 2023.

Those who may be interested in serving in leadership positions in the different chapters or at the National level, please approach your chapter leaders. By the ASEI constitution, we will appoint the Board members to the Election Committee soon who will carry out the election/nomination process.

There will be additional information on the nomination process forthcoming
Anual Membership

Asei Simplifies Annual Professional Membership – By Jwalant Lakhia

If you are not a Lifetime member of ASEI, this is a great time to become one at a one time $500 .
The next best thing is to become a Professional Member of ASEI and still enjoy all the benefits ASEI offers. Why you ask? The Professional Membership dues are a bargain at just $50 per annum.

And the timing couldn’t be better than now! We have made a change in the way this annual professional membership is considered valid. It used to be that this annual membership would expire on December 31st of the year regardless of when someone became a member. We have changed this to a rolling membership which means that members will get one full year from the day dues are paid. This will allow the members not to lose the benefits of ASEI membership on December 31st. We look forward to seeing everyone taking advantage of this change and not holding out from becoming ASEI Professional Member. ASEI membership provides a unique opportunity to be a part of many activities such as Mentor Connect, University Connect, National ASEI Conventions, ASEI Chapter networking events, and many more. For more details and to sign up for ASEI Membership, please visit http://www.aseiusa.org/Account/CreateMember

– Jwalant Lakhia
Treasurer – National ASEI 
Meet University connect Ambassador

Asei Youth Corner: Meet University connect Ambassador – Ashdeep Seth

Ashdeep Seth is an independent designer, engineer, and educator who works on social innovation projects in Africa and Asia, with a focus on India. She designs and develops hardware and software technologies in agriculture and healthcare for low-resource communities. She is also a university connect ambassador for ASEI and is currently pursuing her Master’s degree in Development Engineering at UC Berkeley.

Ashdeep is North Indian; born and raised in Dubai, she moved to the United States in 2015 to study Product Design at Stanford University. She discovered her passion for social innovation while at IIT Madras Research Park working in their Healthcare Technology Innovation Center. Her motivation from working at IIT spawned her interest in several other similar projects. Currently, she designs affordable greenhouses for Indian smallholder farmers in association with Kheyti in Hyderabad. She works with Clinic+O in Guinea developing a mobile application used by a network of local community health workers to provide primary care services to marginalized communities. She is also a Senior Expert Fellow at Engineering for Change.

As Ashdeep says, growing up in an international expat area like Dubai allowed her to encounter various cultures and outlooks at a young age, and made her wonder who she wants to be. Her parents’ work as architects and community builders also laid her career foundations and made her realize what she wanted to do, what her interests were, and how she wished to apply herself in society. This foundation has eventually led her to apply herself at the intersection of technology and social impact.

Her message to young people is to ‘stay hungry and stay humble’: be deeply curious, be grounded, find opportunities, especially amidst seeming difficulties, and nurture relationships. She attributes her success to the great relationships she has developed over the years. If you wish to take her advice, ASEI is one of the organizations that can help you build connections with industry professionals and leaders.

* This Article is contributed by Aditya Guthey – ASEI youth coordinator. He is available via linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/adityaguthey/ 

Resume Review 2022-banner

Resume Review

  • Event At : University of Maryland
  • Address : STAMP Student Union, 3972 Campus Dr College Park Maryland 20742
  • Event Date : Oct.29.2022
  • Event Time : 12 noon – 2 pm
Enhance your internship and job opportunities by getting your resume reviewed by industry professionals. Get one-on-one time with experts to understand what employers look for in a resume and how you can make a great first impression.
Resume Review 2022
Asei Awards For The 35th National Convention

ASEI Awards For The 35th National Convention

The American Society of Engineers of Indian Origin (ASEI) is a national organization of professionals of Asian Indian diaspora in the USA that shares knowledge among its members, shapes the next generation of engineers, entrepreneurs, scientists and technologists and performs community service helping the disadvantaged and underprivileged.

American Society of Engineers of Indian Origin (ASEI) is hosting the 35th National ASEI National Convention focusing on Emerging Technology Innovations. This virtual convention will be held on Dec 10, 2022. The objective of this convention is to provide a forum to promote and share advancements related to technologies that contribute to our society with innovations. Keynotes, Fireside chats and Panel discussions covering some of the most pressing problems our world is facing today. The convention is expected to be attended by over 1000 professionals including scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, and corporate leaders across the USA. This convention will feature multiple interactive sessions with prominent business owners, technologists, media personalities, educators, policy makers, and venture capitalists. This event will be covered by the local and national media outlets and leading social media platforms.

The convention will culminate with award announcements where those who have made outstanding achievements in engineering and technology and those who have contributed to society at large and to ASEI organization will be recognized. An award dinner banquet shall follow keeping current pandemic protocols in mind.

Nomination Process

Please fill in the appropriate nomination form and send it in with a bio and other supporting documents such as press cuttings of any achievement or previous awards. Nominations can be for self or by a colleague, except for ASEI Service Excellence and Lifetime Achievement Awards, which have to be nominated as instructed in the nomination forms. All nominations must be received before November 10th, 2022.

ASEI Lifetime Achievement Award

This award is presented to an individual who has been a member of ASEI for at least 15 years, served and participated in various capacities in the activities of local and national chapters and contributed significantly to promote the vision and goals of the ASEI organization. This candidate is selected by the recommendation of the Award Committee and approval by the Chairman of the ASEI board.

ASEI Professional Excellence Award Categories

ASEI Entrepreneur Of The Year Award

This award recognizes the achievements of an ASEI member, who best exemplifies the ideals of entrepreneurship by starting and successfully managing one or more businesses in a way that demonstrates notable entrepreneurial characteristics and achievements. An Intrapreneur who works along the same line but within the umbrella of a larger organization and has scaled innovations and business may be considered as well.

  • The company should demonstrate profitability.
  • The company should demonstrate significant growth and long-term potential.
  • The entrepreneur should note contributions to the community through charitable or leadership roles.
  • The company should demonstrate innovative employee programs and corporate culture.
  • The entrepreneur should demonstrate the ability to overcome adversity.

Engineer/scientist Of The Year Award

The nominee should have demonstrated significant achievements in cutting-edge technology in their field of engineering or related science, managed and directed an organization or founded a company and made noteworthy contributions in design, manufacturing, production or service through the use of engineering principles and applications.

Asei Service Excellence Award

This is the highest recognition that ASEI bestows upon an individual who has exhibited exemplary leadership that has benefited ASEI organization and ASEI members at large. The recipient should have been responsible for one or more major initiatives, which have resulted in notable and/or highly innovative achievements or expansions of the ASEI mission (ASEI Mission: “To promote growth and development of programs and initiatives that foster career and professional development for ASEI members and cultivate engineering, scientific, and technical exchanges between USA and India”). The recipient is required to have served in one or more responsible positions within ASEI. The award honors an individual who has:

  • Played a key role in establishing and building the ASEI Value.
  • Made notable contributions to the advancement in the field of engineering.
  • Given selflessly his/her time and energy to the ASEI national and local chapters.

ASEI Founder’s Award

Open to the ASEI national officers and committee members. The person who has contributed the most in the previous year will be recognized. Recommendation has to come from previous year’s officers as well as current officers and sent to Dr Neeraj Bindal and ASEI National President to finalize the award. The award consists of a plaque, memento and a cash award of $1,000 presented at the ASEI Annual National Convention banquet event.

ASEI Corporate Excellence Recognition Program (Cerp)

Developed in 2005, the CERP awards are a result of ASEI collaborating with leading US corporations. The vision of CERP is to salute the innovative strength that comes from a diversity of human capital. This award recognizes corporate excellence of outstanding engineers of Indian origin who are employed in industry, academia or government entities. Candidates are nominated by their managers and approved by their Human Resources department.

The CERP awards are presented for five categories as follows:

  • Corporate Engineering Excellence Award (Professional achievement)
  • Corporate Woman Engineer of the Year Award (Gender specific)
  • Corporate Young Engineer of the year Award (under 35 age, less than 10 years experience)
  • Corporate Outstanding Achievement Award
  • Corporate Service Excellence Award

The CERP awards criteria is based on achievements, innovation, leadership, teamwork, integrity, community service, and leadership roles in other professional societies such as SAE, AIAA, ASME, TiE, ISSIP etc.

Instituted in 2005 by the ASEI board, these awards are administered under the auspices of the ASEI Award Committee and in cooperation with the Corporate Selection Committee. The awards will consist of a plaque and recognition during the ASEI Annual National Convention banquet. Applications for the CERP awards are submitted by the sponsoring company.