Past Conventions

Remote, Michigan - 2020
ASEI Virtual Convention - Dec 5th and Dec 6th, 2020

Novi, Michigan - 2017
Emerging Technologies & Entrepreneurship

Cal Poly Pomona, California - 2016
Technology Driven Future

Dearborn, Michigan - 2015
Disruptive Innovations and Technologies

Irvine, California - 2014
STEM- Ideas for the 21st Century

UMD, Maryland - 2013
Innovative Technologies - An engine for economic growth

Dearborn, Michigan - 2012
Green Engineering & Technology

Fullerton, California - 2011
New Frontiers in Information Technology

Opportunities & Challenges of GloAnaheim, California - 2010
Innovative Technologies For A Greener Tomorrowbalization

McLean, Virginia - 2007
Engineering for the Global Market

Cerritos, California - 2006
Improving the Quality of Life through Technology

Cleveland, Ohio - 2005
Opportunities & Challenges of Globalization

Dearborn, Michigan - 2004
Engineering Excellence & Innovation

Cleveland, Ohio - 2003
Entrepreneurship for a Walking Giant

Livonia, Michigan - 2002
Showcasing Technological Expertise amidst Diversity

Dearborn, Michigan - 2001
Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship Strategies

Orlando, Florida - 2000
Vision 2000 - ASEI Salutes America

Buffalo - Niagara Falls, New York - 1999
Technology Challenges in the 21st Century

Dulles, Michigan - 1998
Visionary Engineers in the Communication Age

Atlanta, Georgia - 1997
Engineering - Shaping the Future

Troy, Michigan - 1996
21st Century - Opportunities Ahead

Bethesda, Maryland - 1995
US-India Business Collaboration

Dearborn, Michigan - 1994
Emerging Business Opportunities in India

HuntsVille, Alabama - 1993
Technology Transfer

Dulles, Virginia - 1992
Technology & Indian Economy Reforms

Dearborn, Michigan - 1991
Customer Focused Management

Dearborn, Michigan - 1990
Theme: Quality - A Key to Success in the Nineties

Dearborn, Michigan - 1989
Theme: Paths to Progress

Dearborn, Michigan - 1988
Theme: Career Planning & Enhancement

Troy, Michigan - 1987
Theme: Career Planning & Enhancement

Novi, Michigan - 1986
Theme: Achieving Your Potential

Troy, Michigan - 1985
Theme: US/India Business Opportunities

Detroit, Michigan - 1984
Theme: Succeeding in Corporate America
Current Sponsors